Trying each day to remember to stop and smell the roses... The fun is in the "getting there"...

I, like many others I'm sure, get too caught up, too lost in the hustle and bustle. Do you ever stop to watch a sunset? Stop to feel a nice cool breeze? Stop to feel the grass under your feet? I want to slow it all down and breathe it all in.

Keeping me on track:

Monday, June 20, 2011

Busy weekend!

We had a nice weekend!  It was pretty busy, but that's what we do!  :-) 
Friday night Nick and I went to Red Lobster then we went to see a movie.  We saw Source Code.  It was great! 
Saturday, we took John and Kathy to Olive Garden for Father's Day lunch and had a nice visit with them.  Saturday evening we went to Jeremy and Tricia's for a BBQ and game night.  It was so nice to catch up with them.
Sunday was homework day.  I had a few papers to write, a presentation to prepare and a few chapters to read, so I did homework for a few hours.  Sunday evening we went to Logans for Father's Day dinner with Dad, Claire, Jake, Jenny and the kids.  That was nice!
Back to work today...  Not much else happening today...  Oh!  Nick had his 6 month follow up with Dr Clark today and he's lost 64% of his excess body fat!!  Nice job, babe!!  Lookin SO good!!!

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