Trying each day to remember to stop and smell the roses... The fun is in the "getting there"...

I, like many others I'm sure, get too caught up, too lost in the hustle and bustle. Do you ever stop to watch a sunset? Stop to feel a nice cool breeze? Stop to feel the grass under your feet? I want to slow it all down and breathe it all in.

Keeping me on track:

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 30th - I'm thankful for...

more than I can even say.

I am so sorry I have been such a slacker the past couple of weeks!!  I am not keeping up with my blog very well!  I am doing fine.  Thanks to all that have asked!  I just haven't felt up to getting online for anything.  So....  Now I'm feeling better and I can tackle getting caught up with my life! 

Nick's surgery is tomorrow and I am definately more nervous about his than I was about mine.  Dr. Clark is an amazing surgeon and Nick will be in great hands.  I just know what he has to look forward to over the next few weeks.  It's been different than I was expecting.  Physically and emotionally.  I am doing great now, but there have been a few hard days and I am sad Nick will have to deal with that!  I will say that I already feel like it's totally worth it, though!  I have lost a total of 50 lbs since July and I was "officially" down 14 lbs from my suregery date at the doctor's office yesterday.  :-)  14 lbs in 2 weeks!  Not too shabby!  I am still having a hard time with my water and protein, but I am confident that it will only get easier.

One thing I definately need to mention is how very thankful I am for all the well wished, love, prayers and support I've gotten over the last several weeks!  It seems like people have come out of the wood works to tell me they are thinking of me and praying for me.  I appreciate the support more than I could ever say! 

Love to you all and I will do much better with keeping up!! 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

November 20th... I'm thankful for...

My surgical team!

Hi, everyone!  I am sorry I've missed the last few days.  I have been in a bit of a drugged stupor.  I got home from the hopsital yesterday.  Everyone at the hospital was so nice!  Everything went well.  I am a bit sore and getting up and down is a bit tough, but for the most part, I'm recovering well.  Nick has been so helpful!  I am hoping this painful stage doesn't last long.  I have been walking as much as I can.  I am doing well with my vitamins and protein.  I am trying to get in all the water I can.  I have had about 5 ounces of food in the last 5 days.  It's a weird feeling to not be hungry at all and to actually have to make myself eat!

I had lots of visitors in the hospital.  I got a lot of very pretty flowers. There is no way to express my gratitude for everyone's support.  Ok, it's sleepy time for me!  Hugs and love to all!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November 17th - I'm thankful for...

my amazing support group!  I have probably done this one before, but I need to do it again today.  I was absolutely overwhelmed yesterday with texts, calls, facebook messages and emails from so many people wishing me luck.  You all truely give me strength and I feel so loved.  I've thought of the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" a lot the past 48 hours.  It's amazing to me just how many people had something to wonderful and beautiful to say to me and it makes me feel very blessed to be part of your lives.

This morning I am just making some last minute preperations and trying to stay in my happy place.  I am more nervous than I would like to be, but I also know that all the prayers being offered up for me are helping my nerves a lot.  Nick, DMIL, DFIL and my Mom will be there when I wake up today.  I am very glad they will be there with Nick while he's waiting for me. 

Wish me luck!  About 4 and a half more hours and I'll be ready!!  Love to you all!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

November 15th... I'm thankful for...

my washer and dryer.  Can you tell I'm doing laundry today?  LOL!  I HATED having to go to the laundry mat when I lived in apartments.  I don't like doing laundry, but I am very glad that I can at least do it at my house on my time now!

Today was my first day off work and I got a lot done.  I cleaned out my closet of all the clothes I can't/don't wear to make room for the new ones.  I read thru my surgery book and took lots of notes to prepare for the next 2 weeks.  I did laundry.  I watched a couple of movies.  Good day so far.  Tonight I am going to dinner with my DMIL and DFIL and DH for my birthday celebration.  Always a good time! 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 14th - I'm thankful for...

My wonderful in-laws.  John and Kathy are two of the greatest people I've ever met.  John is an amazing father and is one of the most special men in my life.  He and I connected almost instantly and he treats me just like the daughter he never had.  He is a strong, loyal and devoted husband and father and I am very blessed that Nick is like him in so many ways.  Kathy is the most creative and thoughtful person I've ever met!  She is a joy to be around.  She has a way of bringing everyone around her to her level, even if there's no way we ever could be.  She is a very loving and supportive Mother and she is a consistant and generous friend.  I am also very blessed that Nick is so much like her.  John and Kathy have been there for Nick and I from day one in whatever way we needed them.  I am so glad that Kathy and I share the relationship we do.  I am so grateful to have them both in my life.
I love you guys!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

November 13th - I'm thankful for...

My Mom.  I think she definately deserves a whole  post all to herself.  My mom is a really amazing person and I am so blessed to have her in my life.   She is a lot of fun and she has so much love in her heart.  Her smile can light up a room and she has the best laugh.  She was my very first friend and I am so glad to call her my friend today.  She is so supportive and I love all of the time I get to spend with her.  We talk just about everyday and she always knows just what to say to make me feel better.  She always says that her life is better because of me, but I can't imagine my life without her.
I love you, Mommy!

Friday, November 12, 2010

November 12th - I'm thankful for...

well wishes and kind words.  Today is my last day at work for the next 6 weeks and I have been overwhelmed with all the well-wishes I've received!   I am blessed to have some amazing co-workers and it is so nice that everyone's been so supportive!  I feel really lucky to have such a close knit group of people at work that really care about me.  I feel like I should be wearing a tu-tu today.  I am dancing through the office! 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

November 11th - part two... I'm thankful for...

Our veterans.  I would feel very ungrateful if I didn't mention our vetrans and US Armed Forces today.  I am so grateful to be a part of this country.  I am a "military brat" and had the amazing blessing of getting to travel the world thanks to the army.  I've lived all over the states and in Germany.  Being privy to some of what the military does for us causes me to feel a great deal of humility.  Our soldiers are men of honor and deserve the respect of every member of our "free country".  We ALL owe a debt of gratitude to these men and women that freely protect us, knowing that they risk their own lives to protect us.  I wish I could hug every soldier I see.  I would love to thank them all personally for their devotion and courage.

November 11th - I'm thanful for...

my house.  I will confess that some days I look at my house and see all the clutter, the dust, and the other signs of thorough useage.  But I also see a cozy, comfortable sanctuary for Nick and I.  When I enter the door after a long day, it's like I've entered my own little private shelter.  It houses my memories and my treasures.  It keeps me warm/cool and protected from the outside elements.  I love my house and I am so blessed to have it. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 10th - I'm thankful for...

the internet.  It is so fun to me that we can find answers to so many questions in less than 10 seconds.  I had to research a cure for hiccups this morning and found one that worked like a charm!  I use Google search at least 10 times a day.  I also love being able to email and keep in touch with people all over the world with instant messaging and chat.  I enjoy blogging and Facebooking.  I can pay my bills and do my banking online.  And those are just some of the things the internet does for us.  It has certainly changed life.  I know it can be used in "bad" ways, too.  But I am so glad it's a part of my life. 

So.... 1 week from today!   It's getting close!  I get asked everyday how I am feeling about it.  The answer is complicated.  I am feeling so many things.  Mainly excited and anxious.  A little nervous.  A little overwhelmed.  It is a big blob of feelings and thoughts.  At this point, I am just ready for it to be here so I can start to move on to the next stage of life!  It is coming fast, but in other ways it feels like it can't get here fast enough. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November 9th - I'm thankful for...

My husband.  Let me start by saying that these posts have been in no peticular order.  I can say that of all the things I am thankful for, my husband is at the top of the list.
When I was a kid, about 9 years old, I have a very vivid memory.  I was living in Germany at the time and I remember a clear night.  It was a beautiful evening and I was outside.  Across the street from our house was a playground and a big field. I loved to play there.  Well, this peticular night I was looking up at the sky.  It was just getting dark and I saw the first star.  So I said, "Star light, stat bright.  First star I see tonight.  I wish I may I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight."  Then I proceeded to make the most earnest, the most genuine, and the most hopeful wish I have ever wished.  I wished that someday I would meet a boy that would love me the way I loved him and who would be ready to open his heart to me.  I wished that we would meet and the timing would be just right for both of us.  I had no specifics about anything other than wanting him to have beautiful eyes.  I am so thankful to say that I got my wish.  Nick couldn't be more perfect for me if I'd had a lifetime to design him myself.  He is my best friend.  I am so glad to be going on the adventure of life with him.  And he does have beautiful eyes.  I have no doubt that we were destined to be together.  We were made for each other.  I often ask myself what I might have done to deserve him.
He supports me in all that I do.  He encourages me to be myself and be happy, whatever that means.  He helps me delevop myself and makes me better and more whole.  He encourages me to have friends that make my life better.  He is always there to listen when I'm having a rough moment.  He holds my hand in public.  He loves my family and is thankful for them.  He has given me the amazing blessing of being a part of his family.  He is the perfect blend of strong and manly and soft and emotional.  His smile melts my heart.  Catching his eye from across the room still gives me goosebumps.  His kiss can still turn my knees to jelly.  We sometimes joke that we share a brain.  I don't think it gets any better than Nick.
I love you, babe.

Monday, November 8, 2010

November 8th - I'm thankful for...

My car.  I had a humbling moment yesterday.  You know, one of those moments where your heart could literally explode because of all you have to be thankful for.  I was sitting at a stop light on a busy road and I saw an older man walking down the side of the road.  It looked like he was on his way to work.  I watched him try to stay out of the way of the cars zooming past him and thought about how richly blessed I am. Specifically and for the purposes of the post, I will say that I am thankful for my car.  I like to walk... on a treadmill.  Not in heavy traffic to get to work. 
I will be doing a seperate post for these, but I don't think you can tell people you love them too much.  I am grateful beyond words for my husband, my family, his family and our friends.  I am grateful to live in this country and to have the freedoms our amazing military defend.  I am grateful to have a nice house, a good job, plenty of food, and lots of other thinks that make life easier.  I am grateful to be loved.  There are no words to say how blessed I feel.
I hope you have a terrific day!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 7th - I'm thankful for...

music.  I love music.  All kinds of music.  Music can envoke in me things nothing else can. I FEEL music.  I like to sing, I love to lose myself in beautiful melodies.  I can find music in all sorts of things.  Music can change my mood signifigantly.  I am so glad I can hear it and I am so grateful the talented people that create music.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

November 6th - I'm thankful for...

My girlfriends!  I have been blessed with some truely amazing women in my life.  They inspire me, they uplift me, and they give me strength.  I love them all uniquly and with devotion.  I draw so much from them.  I have friends that I talk to daily, and others where the time passes between our talks, but we never miss a beat.  They accept me for who I am and love me in spite of my flaws.  I am so lucky to have a Mother and a Mother in law that are amazing women and I hope to be like them.  I have new friends that have a already made a place in my heart.  I have the most supportive and loyal and beautful friends that make my life happier just by being in it. Ladies, I love you!  Thank you for blessing me with yourselves.

Friday, November 5, 2010

November 5th - I'm thankful for...

My job.  I am really grateful to have a job during this really difficult economic time.  I am even more grateful that I have a job I really enjoy.  I get to use a lot of my skills and my strengths.  My work is challenging and rewarding.  I am lucky to work for a company that has taken really good care of Nick and I.  I have a lot of flexibility day to day and I work with some really great people!  I've made some great friends at work and I am paid well for my time.  I know those are rare gems and I am very blessed.

Happy Friday!  I hope everyone has a great weekend!  Nick and I are going shopping to get all of my stuff.  Protein powder, vitamins, small storage containers, a good blender and some magazines and slippers for the hospital! 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 4th - I'm thankful for...

My health.  I am working on improving it now, but generally speaking I am blessed with good health.  I have all 5 senses, I have all my extremities, all of my organs work.  I am really grateful for the health I have. 

On another note, I met a new friend last night.  She and I met on an online support group, and hit it off right away.  We met for a "healthy" night last night and ended up walking 10,000 steps around the Metropolis Mall!  She is wonderfully sweet and I swear we are the same person.  I felt instatly comfortable with her and instatly knew we were starting what has the potential to be a wonderful friendship.  We laughed and joked with ease.

Here is a photo of us as we start our journey together.

Today was our all-day nutrition class and we learned about about what to expect the day of surgery, the weeks after and the months after.  It was very informative and it made it all feel very real!  We signed all of our hospial consents and everything.  I also had my official weigh in and I am pleased to say that I am "officially" 22 pounds down from July 26th!  I am pretty proud of myself!   I also started my "Pre-op" diet yesterday.  It consists of 2 protein shakes (one for breakfast, one for lunch) then 4-6 oz. of meat and a non-starchy veggie for dinner.  It's actually going ok so far.  I don't feel too bad.  I am thinking I may drop a few more pounds pretty fast!  YAY!!  

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November 3rd - I am thankful for...

Pictures.  I love them!  Pictures freeze a moment in time and you can always look at them to remember.  I have photos all over my desk at work and all over my house and I love to sit and look at them.  I can remember what was happening in them.  I can see people I haven't seen in a long time.  I can enjoy beautiful scenery on a dreary day.  I am thankful for all the photographs I have and all of the memories they evoke.
Here are a couple of pictures I like:

My wedding day - One of the very best days of my life...

I think this is beautiful!  It reminds me of the journey of life, with hills and valleys.

 This is one of my happy places.  I would love to find this place someday!

This is another happy place.  I love the colors in this one.

 This is our engagement picture.  This reminds me of when we were just starting out and how much we've grown together since then.

Thanks for reading and have a good day!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 2nd - I am thankful for...

Modern conveniences!  I am so grateful to live in this age of technology.  I don't embrace it the way SOME people I know do.  (no names, ahem).  I do love the little things I take for granted.  I have an alarm clock to wake me up, a hot shower, a hair dryer, washing machine and dryer, a microwave, a phone that allows me to carry it around with me in my pocket and play online, a computer that holds all kinds of information and allows me to keep in touch.  I have a air conditioner/heater that keeps me warm or cool as needed.  I have a car to take me any where I want to go.  I have electricitiy and toilets.  I have a camera that I can take pictures with.  It just blows my mind how much we have today to make all that we do so much easier.  I can't imagine living without the conveniences we have today.  I would NOT have made a very good pioneer woman! 

What are YOU thankful for today? 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Thankful for...

So I am blatantly stealing this idea from my DMIL's blog, Kathy's blog. She did this all of last November and I LOVED the idea.  The plan is to post everyday something that you are thankful for leading up to Thanksgiving.  Kathy posted a very cool digital card with each of her posts, but I am afraid I haven't played with My Digital Studios enough to be as cool as her! 

So, today, November 1st, I am thankful for...
My wonderful support system.  I have a great group of friends and family that are there for me no matter what! I am richly blessed to have such a close group of amazing people in my life and I learn from them constantly.  I feel very loved in all that I do and I know how rare it is to have so many people who love you unconditionally and in spite of your flaws.

So a special shout-out today to all of you.  I love you guys!