So today was my all-day testing for pre-op clearance. I arrived at the hospital at 7 am and my first stop was bloodwork. They drew 9 tubes and luckily I had a great tech. I don't even have a bruise. Next I went to do my liver and gallbladder ultrasounds. The gel was nice and warm, so that wasn't so bad. Next I arrived for my upper GI. My friend had this test done recently and told me about the test, but I don't think anything could have really prepared me. I had to swallow crystals that filled me with air and then drink whole bottle of thick barium. Yuck! I wasn't sure I was going to make it though that one. Then I had to roll around in my very flattering hospital gown and drink even more barium. The whole thing took about 20 minutes and was definately the worst part of my day. I moved on to a very simple EKG for the last test.
Later in the day, I met with an internal medicine doctor who gave me the all clear. That was quite a relief! I am glad to be done with that part!
I am still trying to wrap my head around 19 days left until surgery. It's coming fast. Being in the hospital for most of the day today certainly made it feel more real.
Onto other news... Tomorrow is the annual Matis Halloween. It's always a great time and I am really looking forward to it. Saturday we are going to Anderson Orchard with my Mom's family. I am sure that will be a lot of fun! I am working Sunday, Halloween day, to make up for missing next Thursday, so my weekend will go very fast.
I also found out, through a series of strange events, that I am getting a WII for my 30th birthday from my wonderous hubby and my DMIL and DFIL! I am very excited about it and I am sure my recovery will be much more fun with my new toy!! I don't have it yet, but I was very excited to find out that I was getting it. I've really been wanting one! I like the games so much more that any other system out there! YAY!!
Oh, the testing doesn't sound that much fun at all. Yay for the Wii. We have one and it's fun. When's your 30th?