Trying each day to remember to stop and smell the roses... The fun is in the "getting there"...

I, like many others I'm sure, get too caught up, too lost in the hustle and bustle. Do you ever stop to watch a sunset? Stop to feel a nice cool breeze? Stop to feel the grass under your feet? I want to slow it all down and breathe it all in.

Keeping me on track:

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 30th - I'm thankful for...

more than I can even say.

I am so sorry I have been such a slacker the past couple of weeks!!  I am not keeping up with my blog very well!  I am doing fine.  Thanks to all that have asked!  I just haven't felt up to getting online for anything.  So....  Now I'm feeling better and I can tackle getting caught up with my life! 

Nick's surgery is tomorrow and I am definately more nervous about his than I was about mine.  Dr. Clark is an amazing surgeon and Nick will be in great hands.  I just know what he has to look forward to over the next few weeks.  It's been different than I was expecting.  Physically and emotionally.  I am doing great now, but there have been a few hard days and I am sad Nick will have to deal with that!  I will say that I already feel like it's totally worth it, though!  I have lost a total of 50 lbs since July and I was "officially" down 14 lbs from my suregery date at the doctor's office yesterday.  :-)  14 lbs in 2 weeks!  Not too shabby!  I am still having a hard time with my water and protein, but I am confident that it will only get easier.

One thing I definately need to mention is how very thankful I am for all the well wished, love, prayers and support I've gotten over the last several weeks!  It seems like people have come out of the wood works to tell me they are thinking of me and praying for me.  I appreciate the support more than I could ever say! 

Love to you all and I will do much better with keeping up!! 

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you blogging again. Thank you for being so strong for Nick and I. I am so glad you are feeling better, I am sorry it was rough for a few days (not looking forward to that either) and congrats on the weight loss so far. There really is a light at the end of the tunnel. Love YOU~
