Trying each day to remember to stop and smell the roses... The fun is in the "getting there"...

I, like many others I'm sure, get too caught up, too lost in the hustle and bustle. Do you ever stop to watch a sunset? Stop to feel a nice cool breeze? Stop to feel the grass under your feet? I want to slow it all down and breathe it all in.

Keeping me on track:

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I saw an interesting slideshow today about attitude.  It got me thinking about my attitude.  I try really hard to always be positive and upbeat, but I feel like I miss the mark sometimes.  I have heard many times that attitude makes all the difference and we can all choose how we react to things.  I am sure we have all met people that can put a damper on any situation by being constantly negative.  I am sure we have also all met people who seem to be able to put a positive spin on anything the world throws at them.  Which do you prefer talking to?  And which would you rather be? 

1 comment:

  1. I hope I am a positive person! I try to find good in everything. Good time to soul search! :-)
