Trying each day to remember to stop and smell the roses... The fun is in the "getting there"...

I, like many others I'm sure, get too caught up, too lost in the hustle and bustle. Do you ever stop to watch a sunset? Stop to feel a nice cool breeze? Stop to feel the grass under your feet? I want to slow it all down and breathe it all in.

Keeping me on track:

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Wow!  New Year's Day!  What an exciting day it is!  You get to reflect on the previous year and start a new page all at the same time!
I am one  of the silly ones that always makes a resolution and totally forgets what it was by about Jan 15, but I am making another one this year.  2010 I spent getting MYSELF in order, so 2011 I am going to try to get my HOME in order.
I am always so impressed when I go to other people's houses.  I have been in really beautiful, immaculate houses where I don't want to touch anything and I have been in some wonderful, lived-in, comfortable welcoming houses.  We have lived in our house for 6 years and it is still very "unfinished".  It has also become more cluttered that I care for.  So this year I am going to try to make my house more my home. 
I hope you are all happy with where your lives are as we start another year.  I hope you can reflect on all the joys and the journey life took you on through 2010 and I hope your road ahead into 2011 looks promising and bright!
Love to you all!!

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